While I was in Japan, my friend, Katsuhiro Saiki took care of watering my plants. I was concerned with Hibaku trees, but my basil (not Hibaku) almost went dry......as Katsuhiro explained. He took a such a good care and it was funny and moving, so I decided to post his photo diary of my plants.
こないだ一週間あけて2回目をしにきたら、ちょっと元気がなさそうだったので4日おきくらいにくる事にします。The other day after one week, I came back to water, then the plants didn't look great so I will come every four days.
今日水やりに行ったらバジルがかなりしおれてました。なんかこの鉢の土、水を含みにくい気がします。窓ぎわだとすぐに乾燥しそうなのでしたのだんに移動しました。復帰してくれるのを願います。Today I came to water your plants, then the basil looked soggy. I think the soil in this pot can not hold the moister that long, so I moved the basil where there is indirect sun. I hope it will come alive again.
こないだ一週間あけて2回目をしにきたら、ちょっと元気がなさそうだったので4日おきくらいにくる事にします。The other day after one week, I came back to water, then the plants didn't look great so I will come every four days.
今日水やりに行ったらバジルがかなりしおれてました。なんかこの鉢の土、水を含みにくい気がします。窓ぎわだとすぐに乾燥しそうなのでしたのだんに移動しました。復帰してくれるのを願います。Today I came to water your plants, then the basil looked soggy. I think the soil in this pot can not hold the moister that long, so I moved the basil where there is indirect sun. I hope it will come alive again.
心配なので見にきたら生きかえってました。よかった。 I was worried when I cam to see, then it was kind of alive again. I was glad.---Katsuhiro Saiki