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Showing posts from May, 2011

Hiroshima, Japan: Yuso Takesawa's Chinese Parasol Tree update

    「砂 入さん お元気ですか。砂入さんが手配してくださって、NPO法人セトラひろしまにおいていた青桐が、室内にあったためか、すでに大きな葉をつけています。このた び、この青桐を再度、前事故があったところに植樹しました。専門家の本山さんが中心になって、琴演奏者の榊さん、セトラひろしまの副理事長の石丸さんとで 植えてくださいました。今度は、事故がないようにしっかりとした木枠で木を守ることとしました。世間の荒波で今度こそ、無事に育ち、夏には多くの人の憩い の場を提供してくれればと思います。 もうひとつの写真群は、私の家のベ ランダにおいていた青桐です。昨年、平和公園にある被爆青桐の種を入手、それを発芽させたものです。寒い冬を越して、今、小さな葉がでようとしています。 青桐の鉢の後ろにあるのは、被爆した夾竹桃から枝をとり、それが芽をだし、葉を出したものです。昨年の、広島アート・プロジェクトで出品されたもので す。」 

2011年5月3日 "Hi, Hiroshi, how are you?  The Chinese Parasol tree you arranged for us to have at NPO Cetra Hiroshima has grown large leaves.  Thus, we replanted the seedling on the ground of the park we tried last time someone pulled our tree out.  This time around, Mr. Yamamoto, a specialist, Ms. Sekaki who is a Koto player as well as Mr. Ishimaru of Cetra Hiroshima replanted together.  This time we protect the plant by having fence around the seedling and we hope that this seedling will grow strong in spite of the difficult time we face and ...

Bronx, New York: Alex Neroulias's Persimmon Update!

All Photos: Anna Purves             "Hey Hiroshi, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to give you an update on the status of our Hibaku Persimon tree (Lou Lou) I'm happy to report that this spring Lou Lou grew taller and sprouted new leaves. I decided that this would be a good time to transplant her into a bigger pot. The photos I included were taken by Anna Purves during the transplanting process. Already in the past few days since changing her pot she has sprouted even more leaves. Even though it has been 2 great years, she is still very young and fragile. Right now she requires the support of a little crutch, at least until her trunk grows a bit more. She lives up here in the Bronx with me but has really become a member of the whole family. Recently I have found myself traveling around the world quite often, not knowing when and for how long I would be home for. During this time my parents and little brothers have stepped up and shared the respon...

New York: Jason Koxvold's seed sprouted!

I finally got round to planting my tree a couple of weeks ago - and this morning my girlfriend emailed me a picture of it sprouting! Can't wait to get back to NY to see the progress. ---Jason Koxvold

New York: Florian Altenburg & Maika Pollack's Persimmon Update

New York: Sean Justice's Ginkgo Tree update

My gingko is asleep. Last month all the leaves turned, finally, and winter crept inside. We're connected; the cycle reaches through us. At first I wondered read the whole article, please go to

Rome, Italy: Piergiorgio Traverso's Sendan Tree Update!

Greetings Hiroshi! my Chinaberry plants are almost 2 years old..... so it's time to send you an update with this picture. After a winter spent in a dead-like mode, now that spring has turned into an early summer, these little trees are back to life, though growing veeeeeeery slowly.... Don't mind the cat... he pretends he's hiding...! Keep your great project alive!  Ciao from Rome, ---Piergiorgio Traverso

New York: Sam Gordon's Sendan Tree update

"Always sheds before growth spurts." ---Sam Gordon