New York: Chie Kawasaki and Satoru Eguchi's Persimmon and Chinese Parasol Tree seedlings are growing strong!
Their persimmon has gotten so big and very beautiful!
Their Parasol coming back to life. Parasol trees are tropical plants, so during the winter they sheds their leaves during the winter.
砂入さん、Hi, Sunairi-san,
ご無沙汰です。Long time no see
近況というか、冬の間に落ちた葉っぱが出てこなくて,During the winter, leaves fell, so I was worried,
心配してたけど、2,3日前にやっと出てきました。 but then a couple of days ago, finally it came back
もう一つは着々と大きくなってます! Now it is growing strong ever
えぐち Eguchi
ご無沙汰です。Long time no see
近況というか、冬の間に落ちた葉っぱが出てこなくて,During the winter, leaves fell, so I was worried,
心配してたけど、2,3日前にやっと出てきました。 but then a couple of days ago, finally it came back
もう一つは着々と大きくなってます! Now it is growing strong ever
えぐち Eguchi