I can't believe how quickly it's gone by. Only one of the Sendan trees have survived from all my seedlings -- and it was one of the ones that took root in July of 2009. It now resides in Beacon, NY with us. None of last years batch took, unfortunately. Hope all is well Hiroshi!! Maybe we'll see you soon! You're welcome up to Beacon anytime. Robert LaColla www.rtlacolla.com | rtlacolla.etsy.com
Hibaku trees: the trees that survived the atomic bombings/Nature tells us with no ideological standpoint about war atomic bombs peace nature and the environment - Dr. Chikara Horiguchi 原爆にも耐え生きる被曝樹木/自然は戦争 原子爆弾 命 ネイチャー 環境などをイデオロギーに関係なく語ってくれます - 樹木医堀口力 Grow your hibaku tree: treeprojects@gmail.com