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Showing posts from July, 2013

Yumi Suzuki: Enoki (Chinese Hackberry) growing so much!

砂入さま、 こんにちは。 お元気ですか? 長らく芽がでなかったのですが、暖かくなって来たら、 ぐんぐんと成長しはじめました。 そろそろ大きめの鉢に植え替えなければと思っています。 鈴木ゆみ -------- Hi, Mr. Sunairi, Hello! How are you? For a long time, it hadn't seem to be sprouting, but then when it got warmer,  suddenly, it's growing so much. It's also about the time to replant it into a bigger pot. Yumi Suzuki

NORWAY: Hello! with 4 Gingko and 3 Enoki (Chinese Hackberry) sprouts

Hi! Here's finally a couple of pictures! It's me and my sons, with the seedlings in our garden in Skjetten, Norway. 4 Gingko  and 3 enoki! Question: I sometimes get questions about radiation and mutation in the seedlings. What should I answer? Best, Per Arne ******************* Hi, Per Arne, To answer, I quote from tree Dr. Horiguchi who take care of Hibaku trees in Hiroshima and is from my documentary, "Tree Project Film" There are traces of radiations in annual rings of these trees. According to some scientists, for about 3 years after the A-bomb in 1945 till 1948 these trees had grown larger than usual. After those 3 years, annual rings of the trees got slimmer, and their growth toned down. This implies since enormous damages were done to the trees externally, to protect themselves the trees poured their energy to grow stronger for three years, mending and healing themselves. After 3 ...

Update! Joe and Aki's Ginkgo seedling

現在16cm高です。 葉が落ちている様に見えますがしっかりしてます☆ Joe and Aki Now it's 16 cm tall. It's very sturdy though it may look like leaves were fallen.

Tammy Brown's Sendan Tree healthy and growing

Hi Hiroshi, I re-potted the tree last month - and it's having a great summer.  It's so tall and green! Thanks. Tammy