"Hi Hiroshi, We met last Saturday in Wall Street... I have already planted your seed, I´m uploading the pictures now. I included it in my project "Involuntary spheres" to host animal and plant species in the city. I will send you the link and will keep you posted of the plant process :)" Ok! Here is my project from which your project is going to be part :)! http://patriciadominguez.cl/galeria/galeria1ke.html And the pictures are here: I will keep you posted... http://www.flickr.com/photos/patriciadominguez/5855621110/in/photostream Great project. I loved it" ---Patricia Dominguez
Hibaku trees: the trees that survived the atomic bombings/Nature tells us with no ideological standpoint about war atomic bombs peace nature and the environment - Dr. Chikara Horiguchi 原爆にも耐え生きる被曝樹木/自然は戦争 原子爆弾 命 ネイチャー 環境などをイデオロギーに関係なく語ってくれます - 樹木医堀口力 Grow your hibaku tree: treeprojects@gmail.com