Here is Tree Project's submission, the actual Hibaku Persimmon tree that the organizer of Blue Sky Project is growing. "The 5th Blue Sky Project: An International Exhibition--Love, Blue Sky, and Peace Our Theme Is World Peace, Our Motif is the Blue Sky That Envelopes Earth On September 11, 2001, the New York-based art historian Reiko Tomii photographed the tragedy of World Trade Center from her home, and uploaded three photographs for her Japanese friends. After a few years, I looked at her photographs and other documentary photographs, I realized one thing: there was a beautiful blue sky over New York. There was also a beautiful blue sky over Hiroshima on August 6, and over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, when atomic bombs were dropped on these Japanese cities. The blue sky was the backdrop of historic human follies, again and again. Above the clouds, there is the blue sky that envelopes the Earth. We will never make the beautiful blue sky a backdrop of war, nuclear bombing, ter...
Hibaku trees: the trees that survived the atomic bombings/Nature tells us with no ideological standpoint about war atomic bombs peace nature and the environment - Dr. Chikara Horiguchi 原爆にも耐え生きる被曝樹木/自然は戦争 原子爆弾 命 ネイチャー 環境などをイデオロギーに関係なく語ってくれます - 樹木医堀口力 Grow your hibaku tree: